
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Earring 0012 - Swans

Okay, here's another pair of earrings I wouldn't wear outside. They're pretty, but they're just not me. The earrings are black buttons each with a pair of white swans with glitter on them. I like birds but the only ones you will find on my earrings are eagles or flamingos.

Donna liked flamingos. Sometimes I wonder if it was because flamingos are pink. She's the one who got me hooked on flamingos and I have a small collection of them left. When Donna passed, her flamingos needed a home. I didn't know they were homeless looking for a place to live. There's always room in my home for another flamingo. Some of the flamingos I now have are breathtaking pieces of art. I really enjoy them. I have them up on a shelf that I can see when I am in my living room. Such a beautiful and graceful bird. When I was in Florida a few years back, I was hoping to see some flamingos in the wild but didn't make it that far south. Maybe some time that will happen.

This weekend I didn't venture out and can feel my writing is somewhat stifled. Need some fresh air and I know that tomorrow morning when I take that first step outside, I know my lungs will be filled with crisp air. BRRRR but at least our air quality is good!

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