
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Earring 0061 - All in a day

These earrings remind me of a day. Just an ordinary day with coming into my life; new people, people I've known all my life, people who I didn't know but my parents knew, people my brothers/sister/sister-in-laws knew, people I've known for a short time and people I've known somewhere in between all of the rest. Can't forget people who knew people who knew people...I know your mom from my aunt's friend type. Everyone has a story and most people would like to tell their story. I like to listen so I hear a lot of stories and have been that way all of my life. There haven't been too many strangers in my life except "those" scary people that I have never had a desire to know because of fear. Those are the people your mom told you to stay away from. She was right about most people. She got to know people by listening to them. Wish I could hear the stories she could tell. Whenever we took a road trip, she always had a story to tell about the area. It could be from a dance she went to or someone she met while camping at one point in her life.

One of the stories mom always liked to tell was when she was younger and went out dancing. I know exactly where it happened and I'm sure my siblings do too. The driver of the vehicle they were in missed the turn and went down into the creek bed but not into the creek itself. Well, mom wasn't supposed to have been out dancing and got caught. Her stories had morals to them too. Years later the road was changed so it would be harder to miss the turn.

I even have a couple of stories to tell on that same road. One of them left an impression on me. We went to mom's hometown shortly after a flash flood had gone through. Quite a few miles before her hometown, was a house that was very close to the river. The water had gone through the second floor. Now, this is how I remember it but that would have been an awful lot of water. Think that it is possible because I know how high streams can get in just a couple of hours. It doesn't take much. I do remember the windows on the second floor were broken and there was stuff hanging out of the windows. Pretty sure it did go through the second floor.

The other story was of an accident that my husband and I had. We were driving from my parents back to our apartment. I was laying down in the back seat. Ironically, about the same place where my mom had had her accident when she was younger was where my husband pulled over. He said he didn't feel good about something and it was strange and he wanted me in the front seat. Within about four miles of that, we were passing a car when a car popped up. We had no where to go but into the ditch because the car we were passing would speed up and down and same with the person who was behind us. Into the ditch we went. There was only one injury and luckily it wasn't bad. Lots of things go through your head when you're a teenager and something like this happens to you. No matter how many years go by, I will still remember this accident in detail and am glad it is in the past.

There's probably more stories about this road now that I think about it because it is along this road that we fished when we were younger.

Everything is so intertwined, just like these earrings.

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