
Saturday, November 29, 2014

Earring 0277 - Russian Superstitions

My brother-in-law asked me where I came up with the sites that I've been finding. Told him that one site leads to another and to another until I find a site that is interesting. Tonight, even though it is now morning, I started reading about  Maria Rasputin and her life story (at one point she worked as a circus performer in the United States); I'm going to have to read more about her because she seems fascinating. I started reading about her because I heard a Korean phrase "a man should never leave home with empty pockets" ( "Modern Farmer") and I remember hearing that and wanting to know more about it. Well, it led to Maria. Reading about her lead me to read about her father,
Grigori Rasputin. From there it went to "Khlysts" and then on to "Spiritual Christianity." Used Wikipedia going from one article to another. In school, we were told not use Wikipedia as our sole source but there's always links to other sites to aid in research and I really like Wikipedia.

All of this brought me to There are a lot of similar superstitions between Russia and the US. For instance if your right hand itches, you are going to come into money; if your left hand itches, you are going to lose money. One difference is in Russia, if your nose itches, "you'll be drinking soon", whereas in the US, the saying is if your nose itches, someone is talking about you. Anyway, the superstitions are very interesting. - very interesting site with lots of links.

Here is a photo of our sky tonight. It almost looks like Northern Lights but it wasn't.

Today's earrings

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