
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Feb 24 - Bobbi, the Kurilian Bobtail Cat

Looked on Internet for information my cat. I was told when I got Bobbi that she was a Russian bobtail cat. Tonight was the night to find some info on her. She looks identical to the cat on the lower photo even though her fur looks like the cat in the upper photo. For the most part, I would say the description fits her. Now if you ask my sister, she will disagree. Ever since my sister met Bobbi, she has been Bobbi's "toy" and maybe Bobbi might even think of her as another cat. She tolerates Sparky to the extent of she doesn't chase him. However, when Sparky walks past Bobbi, Bobbi bats him. The other night I guess Bobbi kept batting Sparky and wouldn't quit. The bad thing is that Sparky doesn't walk away from Bobbi. Maybe Sparky thinks that Bobbi will quit someday but I don't think so. What is funny is that every time you turn around, Sparky is in my bedroom with Bobbi. Back to the info at the website. Bobbi is extremely strong, definitely stocky, loves to jump on high places. She is very smart and usually when she is corrected the behavior doesn't repeat. The exception is that she jumped on the counter a few times in the last couple of weeks. Not sure what is making her do this; it could be the butter that sets on the counter to soften. We're using a different butter than we did and that's the only change we've made. We're trying to put that in the microwave to see if that makes a difference. Well, she knows that she's done something wrong when I catch her because she slinks away like a guilty dog.

Today's earrings were worn for Bobbi

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