
Monday, July 7, 2014

Earring 0128 Hot Pink

Learned a lot about the color pink today from Pink in French or Dutch is rose; in German, Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian, it's rosa; in Russian it's rozoviy; in Polish it's różowy; in Korean it's 핑크색 / 분홍색 (, in Mandarin Chinese it's 粉色(fěn sè) ( - just to name a few. Really got a lot out of the Wikipedia website listed above. They covered everything imaginable that is pink.

Some of my favorites they covered were pink skies, pink rocks, pink in the written word, pink architecture, etc. I can remember in our town when I was really young there was a pink house near the lake and it was an instant love relationship with me. Almost forgot, they covered phrases of pink too, such as in the pink, getting a pink slip, and to see pink elephants.

Having taken quite a few classes in the last few years, teachers tried to steer us away from using Wikipedia but I found that most of what I researched, you could find it further on noted websites that I guess were true from what I could tell. Wow, that was a long sentence!

With that, I'll end this with the fact that I'm in the pink and feeling great!

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